Thursday, February 17, 2011

college application

I am an excellent student even though i do not understand what homework is or even know where to find my class. I've been around the world 2 times yet i have never left my room.   my parents were apes so  my whole life I've eaten nothing but ticks and bananas.   I am only allergic to 2 things, commitment and bananas.  i am a self proclaimed writer, athlete, and professional sleeper.  Days aren't measured in hours, they're measured in the time it took me to take over the world. I am the reason the stock market crashed.

I know tae kwon do, karate, and 26 other dangerous words.  Chuck Norris got his beard from me.  my favourite movies are  pineapple express,  the human centipede and the notebook.  I was trollin' youtube before it was cool.

I braved the gates of Mordor 5 years before Frodo was even born, my favourite colours are  blue, green and the number 7.  I invented twinkies but sadly lost the recipe. I once fought a bear just to see if it fought southpaw.  Mr. Vancamp got his teaching skills from a note i left at a coffee shop when i went back in time in my Delorean.  God came to me for  advice when he created the world. I singlehandedly  created the internet , books and phones just to make living more expensive.  The number 6 isnt afraid of 7 , its afraid of me .

When I was born the premier of Canada  was there to shake my moms hand and thank her for bringing Canada hope once more. When Donkey Kong was created they based him off a sketch of me.  i have eaten every food in the world yet I only eat bananas and ticks. Obama is my homeboy.   I know the cure for cancer and the secret to world peace , but for now I'm just applying for your college

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Grade 12

 To some grade twelve is little more then a complete waste of time, to others it is whole lifes work bottled up into 10 short months. Now to me Grade twelve is well a complex time in any young adults life where he/or she  gets to discover who they are and what they want to do with their lives. Now dont get me wrong grade twelve is no cake walk,  things like provincial exams, budding romances, struggle to stay awake in class after a hard weekend, make this time of self-discovery almost impossible for any teenage person. There's also a good side to grade twelve, as a senior we are the highest on the totem poll, the big dogs in the school, grade nine's look up to us, grade eleven's envy us.  I must admit it feels pretty good. Another thing about grade twelve is the teachers, they  make our last year fun through grad activities, fun days, and a diverse course selection. All in all Grade twelve is a never ending rollercoaster full of its ups and downs and sharp turns that can frighten and excite us all. But truly to me, grade twelve is a time to enjoy myself, a time to make life long friendships, and make mistakes. Grade twelve is a time where anything can happen, whether it be falling down the stairs,  standing up for someone or something you think is wrong, or even just getting straight A's. Now grade twelve  may seem like its just another year of school, but to me grade twelve is the year that means the most whether we're talking about academics or just hanging with buddies on a saturday night. to sum it all up grade twelve is ten months where i get to discover who i am and what i want.